Maschinen Wartung


The correct maintenance


How to ensure that the machine remains reliable for the long term

The maintenance of the machines can significantly vary. On the one hand, it is highly dependent on the products that are handled, but on the other hand, the maintenance is also influenced by the specific environmental conditions of the plant.

The regular cleaning of the machine and its single components is of enormous importance. The most frequent problems occur because product residues, which are in the system due to insufficient cleaning measures, accumulate or pile up. In this aspect, sticky and dusty products are particularly easy to adhere to machine components, such as bearings, joints, or pneumatic cylinders. Consequently, the packaging machine does not anymore run as desired, which can further cause problems concerning the machine’s specified sequence, the cylinder speeds, and other movements. A further negative consequence would be an additional loss of performance.

Wartung Service

“Some products that need to be bagged require more attention, some simply require less. In general, however, I recommend our customers a short cleaning of the packaging machines once per shift with dry compressed air. The equipment needed for cleaning, a normal compressed air pistol, is installed as part of the machine and is therefore supplied by STATEC BINDER. Such regular cleaning measures take only a few minutes and ultimately avoid major problems that could arise from contamination of the equipment. The focus here should be on the filling area of the machine – virtually everywhere where the product is free and the substance comes into contact with the system,” explains Stefan Hibler, service engineer at STATEC BINDER.

Wartung Maschine

While cleaning represents a basic measure, the stocking of certain spare parts on-site is another important requirement for successful machine maintenance. As early as with the delivery of the machine, STATEC BINDER provides its customers with a checklist with “Mandatory Spare Parts”. Certain components should always be within reach. Similar to the tires of a car, specific parts simply wear out faster and therefore have to be replaced at regular intervals to maintain high-performance levels. Furthermore, maintenance plans accordingly adjusted to the respective machine and the product to be bagged are provided to the customer and should be respected and complied with. Of course, STATEC BINDER also offers training for the operator and maintenance staff of the machine. Existing knowledge about optimal maintenance measures of the relevant machine can then be passed on from trained staff to new colleagues or team members.

Maschinen Wartung

In summary, regular cleaning should be considered as essential for the smooth running of the machine, whereby measures must be adapted to the specific production environment as well as to the respective STATEC BINDER bagging or palletizing system. In addition to this, basic maintenance is of significant importance. “If the machine operator “listens” to the machine and perceives strange noises and also addresses this issue, the problem can be dealt with quickly and a lot of potentially consequential damage can subsequently be avoided,” says Stefan Hibler about machine maintenance. He goes on to say that annual maintenance, which is always tailored to the respective machine, the product to be filled as well as to the customer, ensures to maintain the reliability and high performance of the machine. The aim is further constantly smoothly running the machine. Therefore, STATEC BINDER is happy to share its knowledge with the customer and his team. In this way, the customer can also help himself in case a problem should arise.

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