


Packaging Feed with STATEC BINDER machines

Packaging of

compound feed

with STATEC BINDER systems!

The company Josef Leimüller GmbH from Salzburg has been packaging a wide variety of feed mixtures of the highest quality for birds, rodents, horses and many other species since 1983.

Josef Leimüller GmbH currently produces over 170 different feed mixtures. Previously, the various products were packaged manually. Together with STATEC BINDER, the company recently finalized the switch to a fully automated packaging process. With the help of the open-mouth bagging machine ACROPAC and the high-performance robot palletizer PRINCIPAL-R, STATEC BINDER was able to successfully support the company.



The aim of the project was to efficiently bag and palletize 4000 tons of quality compound feed per year.

  • Packaging and palletizing 200 bags of feed per hour

  • Filling of paper bags (pillow bags)

  • Filling weight of 15 kg - 30 kg of compound feed

  • Development and integration of very compact machines for the limited space capacities in the production hall

  • Palletizer without conveyor technology

  • Gripper arm adjustable to the respective bag width for palletizing the bags


The limited space in relation to the height and width of the existing production hall posed a particular challenge for the design of the machines. The following solutions were found through various project-specific adaptations.

  • Development of a compact version of the packaging machine ACROPAC for an output of 200 bags per hour

  • Compact design of the palletizer PRINCIPAL-R for an output of 200 bags per hour

  • Space-saving integration of both machines into the existing hall and optimized use of the control cabinet

  • Installation of the machines directly under the existing silos

  • Design of the palletizer without conveyor technology and full pallet transport

  • Space-saving scales with gross weighing and filling spout with weighing cells

Josef Leimüller GmbH has been active in the animal feed industry for 41 years. The company delivers a large number of different products every day. Previously, the bulk goods were packed manually. As a result, Josef Leimüller GmbH decided to modernize the packaging process and switch from manual packaging to a fully automatic packaging solution from STATEC BINDER. The automation of the packaging process not only increased efficiency, but also resulted in cost and personnel savings.

The customer-specific design of the machines played a major role in the implementation of the project. The reason for this was the limited space available in the production hall for the new systems.


Thanks to STATEC BINDER's many years of experience in the design and implementation of individual machine designs, the required systems were designed to save space and successfully installed.

In order to meet all requirements, the two machines were built directly under the existing silos, the control cabinets were moved to a different floor and the PRINCIPAL-R was designed without conveyor technology and full pallet transport. All these measures contributed significantly to the compression of the STATEC BINDER systems.

In addition, it must be possible to fill the bags precisely. This was made possible by gross weighing - so the precisely filled bags can be delivered directly and in the highest quality without further weight checks.

Josef Leimüller GmbH opted for STATEC BINDER's overall concept primarily due to the possibility of implementing the required special solutions and the excellent advice provided. The regionality, which enables a short response time for assistance and support, was also a decisive factor. In addition, Leimüller is one of the first customers to benefit from the comprehensive 1 - 6 - 11 service program. This guarantees the customer optimum and long-term operation of the machines.


Following the successful delivery and installation of the systems at the customer's premises, a further STATEC BINDER packaging line has already been requested in order to optimize further processes.

“In our search for a manufacturer for our packaging line, we contacted a wide range of suppliers. STATEC BINDER caught our attention thanks to their uncomplicated and fast contact.

The positive impression of the initial contact has been confirmed several times to this day. Perfect service, customer-oriented action and first-class quality of the packaging system should be emphasized.”, says Josef Leimüller, Managing Director.

Josef Leimüller Statement Schmal


Curious to learn where and how our machines are used?

Our bagging and palletizing systems pack and palletize a wide variety of products on a daily basis. In our case studies you can find out which problems and tasks we have already solved with our machines and how we can support you.


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