The safe and low-dust filling of big bags is increasingly in demand worldwide. After all, big bags enable low costs and optimal utilization of transportation capacity. Big bags are flexible bulk containers known internationally as FIBCs (flexible intermediate bulk containers). They hold approximately 1000 to 1500 kg.
Whether for bulk products or individual parts, transportation in big bags is practical and suitable for a wide range of industries. The potential applications, the required filling capacities and the degree of automation desired by the customer are correspondingly diverse.
BIG BAG filling station – made in Austria
A high-performance system from STATEC BINDER delivers promising results. At up to 150 big bags per hour, our BIG BAG filling station is one of the fastest in the world. Most of all, it is the extremely stable design and high reliability that characterize the BIG BAG filling station.
Application areas
Flexible handling of bulk solids
Dust-free filling of big bags
Semi-automatic BIG BAG filling station from STATEC BINDER
The semi-automatic BIG BAG filling station enables the filling of big bags (FIBC) with one, two or four loops, as well as octagonal transport containers (octabins) with a filling weight from 500 to 1,500 kg.
Filling stations with weighing system
There are two versions of the BIG BAG filling station:
Filling station with gross weighing: The product is weighed in the bag during filling.
Filling station with net weighing: The product is weighed in a weigh hopper before filling.
Maximum weighing accuracy is achieved with both versions. However, net weighing allows the big bags to be filled at a higher speed.
Curious to learn where and how our machines are used?
Our bagging and palletizing systems pack and palletize a wide variety of products on a daily basis. In our case studies you can find out which problems and tasks we have already solved with our machines and how we can support you.